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tv   America Live  FOX News  September 19, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT

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early as this sunday. jenna: sounds like a debate for eternity. [laughter] rick thank you very much for that. jon: and thank you for joining us on this wednesday. jenna: "america live" starts right now. fox news alert on a big story developing on recent events in the middle east. a new intelligence report from the department of happyland security revealing what may be a troubling ulterior motive behind the violent attack on the u.s. embassy in egypt. welcome to "america live," everyone, i'm megyn kelly. fox news obtained the report just hours ago suggesting that the attack in cairo last week may have been part of an effort to protest the imprisonment of this man, the so-called blind sheikh, convicted of conspiracy in the 1993 bombing of the world trade center. that bombing killed six people and injured more than a thousand others. we are also learning new information now about a letter
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from top republicans addressed to the attorney general, eric holder, and the secretary of state, hillary clinton, expressing concern over the potential release of the blind sheikh. that is what the egyptians want. we've got a couple of reporters working this story as we speak, we will have more for you very shortly on these breaking developments. we are also seeing new protests across the mideast this morning. the video from pakistan here where hundreds of protest ors are trying to -- protesters are chanting and chanting "crush, crush usa, our wish is martyrdom." over in the pakistani capital of islamabad, hundreds forced their way into the area that houses the u.s. embassy, protests there chanting "down with america," saying whoever is a friend of america is a traitor. fortunately, police managed to stop them before they could reach our embassy, and it all
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comes as egypt moves to punish the film maker and others linked to this anti-islam video that ignited or inspired at least part of these angry demonstrations. leland vittert streaming live from cairo. leland? >> reporter: well, here in egypt one person is in jail sort of related to this movie on charges of insulting islam. his mother told the associated press she called police to her house, and the guy was being beaten by some thugs who came in the door, and then they arrested the victim of the beating here on these charges of insulting islam. and the egyptian prosecutor didn't start with only people here in egypt, he also put out an arrest warrant for seven coptic christian egyptians living in the united states including one who is accused of making this film and also a pastor living in florida who promoted this film. and he wants to charge them with insulting islam, that's a slightly different charge than what the people who organized
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this protest on tuesday want them to be charged with which is insulting the prophet muhammad in a sharia court. if you listen to the hard-liners, they want these people tried before a sharia court and possibly executed for their role in inciting the protests on tuesday. the charges here in egypt do really show you how much influence the islamists here have gained, the hard line islamists have gained here in egypt to be able to pressure the prosecutor to issue these kinds of warrants. megyn, back to you. megyn: thank you. and in a follow-up from yesterday's riots, we are getting a report that one angry demonstration actually claimed the life of a pakistani man. he died after inhaling fumes from the american flags that he was burning. he apparently complained of feeling unwell during the protests and later died at the hospital. angry mobs have continuously burned, torn, stomped on and destroyed the stars and strikes during these demonstrations.
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back at home a kinder and truly moving scene when an unexpected guest shows up to pay his respects to former navy seal glenn doherty, one of the four americans killed last week in the attack on our consulate in libya. that guest? 9-year-old jonathan alteri who walked down the street from his massachusetts home to the church where family friends, politicians and military whereas had gathered for a wake. he waited in the long line to speak to doherty's grieving mother. here's little jonathan explaining what he said to her. >> i think a navy seal is a tough job, and i really think that he protected the country. i told the mother that i'd pray for him tonight. >> reporter: what did she say back? >> well, then she gave me a hug. he should go to heaven. megyn: a private funeral mass was held earlier today. hundreds of people lining the streets near winchester, massachusetts, to pay their respects as the funeral procession slowly made its way
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to the church. we are still awaiting details on funeral arrangements for the other three americans who died along with glenn doherty including our u.s. ambassador to libya, chris stevens. and we will have more coverage over questions about the film maker behind the anti-muslim film that is said to be at the heart of some of these protests after he has now been called in for questioning over a possible probation violation. he and his family are now in hiding, this film maker. later this hour we will ask if publicly exposing him, doing the whole perp walk, was really about a probation violation, or was it an effort to appease these protesters who have called for the guy's head around the world? well, a new sign that the anti-american violence raging overseas could be taking a serious toll on the president's re-election chances. a new nbc/wall street journal poll shows just 41% of
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independent voters approve of president obama's handling of foreign policy. that is a significant drop, 12 points, there just last month. -- from just last month. fox news digital politics editor chris stirewalt joins us right now. and so the president is doing well in many of these head-to-head matchups including the nbc poll, and yet when you ask that -- that's the overall number i'm talking about -- but when you ask independent voters how they feel he's doing on foreign policy, it appears the events of the past couple of weeks have had some impact. >> very clearly. and here's the deal, megyn, we talked about this at the time that trying to get a grasp on what the political implications of something this large, this complicated and this far-ranging are very difficult in the moments immediately after the death, the killing of the ambassador. and immediately as these protests were starting. now we have a good poll, a quality poll to measure how the president's doing on foreign
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policy since then, and the answer is poorly. though the original assessments in the political press and some polls reflected this was that people didn't like mitt romney's response to a tweet from the u.s. embassy in cairo and that business, now with a little bit more remove, it's pretty clear that a lot of americans aren't comfortable with the direction that this is heading and give some of the blame to the president. megyn: you know, it's incredible to see a 12-point drop given the coverage of these events, you know, that have taken place over the past eight days now. you and i have been talking about this for a couple of days now, how so many in the mainstream media spent the entire eight days talking about how mitt romney responded to the events as opposed to the fact that we had an ambassador murdered along with three other americans murdered, and there were real questions about why they weren't better protected, whether we have a foreign policy that will adequately protect not just the americans that are serving overseas, but americans in general. and they were so focused on mitt romney and whether he spoke too soon about the embassy's initial
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tweet, it appears that the independents who were evaluating this situation may have seen through the fog. >> well, that and the fact that whoever the incumbent president is, when bad stuff like this and broad bad stuff is happening, the guy in charge is going to get the blame. that's how politics works. whether that's fair or unfair, that's the situation president finds himself in. and this is something that voters are watching very, very closely. i was very surprised to see the pew research foundation did a study as this was happening, this is the most-watched, this is the most-watched with intensity foreign event of the year, and it's getting as much attention from those very interested in the story as the whole election itself. so this is something that really could turn this election, just maybe not in the way that people thought. megyn: that really is, it's a shocking poll. we'll put it up on the board, i think we have it. in terms of how closely people are following this story, look at that.
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the american public, 43% say they are following what happened at the u.s. embassy very closely. that is higher by a point than those who are following very closely the presidential election, chris. they are tuned in to what is happening overseas. foreign policy did become a big issue in this country over the past week, eight days. >> and when they see the american flag burning, when they see ambassadors being killed, when they see what's going on -- and, by the way, the situation in egypt becoming more dire and the back and forth about are they an ally, are they not an ally, is there appeasement, are there efforts being made to call m the islamists -- calm the islamists, voters are going to watch. and if i'm barack obama, if i'm president obama, what i want in this case is for this to go away pretty gosh darn quickly. megyn: it all takes place as we are looking forward to benjamin netanyahu coming to the united
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states and going to the u.n. next week. he still has not been able to get a meeting with the president, something the white house has taken criticism for, but the president did speak to him by phone for an hour. chris stirewalt, thank you. >> you bet. megyn: mitt romney coming under harsh criticism for his comments on government dependency. now stu varney has the numbers behind those remarks and what the explosion of entitlement spending is actually doing to our economy. plus, an alarming new report about high levels of arsenic in rice. a major pediatrician coming flat out and saying you shouldn't be giving it to your children anymore. trace gallagher investigates and finds out whether we really need to be concerned. and a wounded warrior returns home a quadruple amputee, but what happens next is an unforgettable story of love, sacrifice and homecoming that will make you proud to be an american. [cheers and applause]
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megyn: fox news alert out of paris, we are hoping for video after at least four people were injured when a small package bomb exploded inside of a kosher grocery store. a french news agency reports that two people wearing hoods tossed a rock through the front window of the store and then placed the small package inside. they took off just before it blew up. the four people are being treated for their injuries, we are told they are injuries to their arms and legs from the blast as well as broken glass-related injuries. no word yet on a motive but, obviously, have to look at what's been happening in the middle east knowing that this is a kosher store. we are now hearing from ann romney as she defends her husband's controversial remarks on the president's supporters and the out-of-control costs of
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government spending. >> if you really do listen to everything that he does say, he's talking about where we're -- what we're facing in the america right now, that we're facing some really difficult, um, situations. and if we don't take corrective measures soon, that more and more people will become dependent on government, and that is not what he wants. he wants to have more economic opportunity for people, he wants to have better jobs for people. he does not want to have more people being more dependent on government. megyn: well, there are now more than 100 million americans living in households that receive government means-tested entitlements. to give you a sense of what that means, take a look at this chart. it shows just how far out of control entitlement spending has gone since the 1970s, outstripping inflation, jumping a whopping 5500%. in 1970 it was at 10 billion, in 2011, 570 billion almost. wow. joining me now, stu varney, host
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of "varney & company" on the fox business network. mitt romney says what i was trying to get at, according to his wife, was we have out-of-control entitlement spending in this country, and we really are developing into a country of people who rely on the goth versus people -- government versus people who fund the government. >> we simply cannot afford it. america, the treasury shells out, spends $3.6 trillion a year, we bring in revenue $2.5 trillion. there's a gap of $1.1 trillion. that's debt, that's borrowing, that's added to our debt. we can't afford this outgoing of these means-tested poverty programs because they've doubled in cost from the year 2000 to 2011, they've doubled. we simply can't afford it. megyn: the, one of the things that's gotten governor romney in trouble is use of the word "victims." president obama's supporters, 47%, pay no federal income taxes -- although he didn't
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specify, but that's true that 47% don't pay federal income taxes at all -- and he said they believe that they are victims. want to play a sound bite from charles krauthammer on "special report" last night speaking to why some on the right believe that. >> look at, you know, a featured speaker at the democratic convention, sandra fluke. here's a woman who's from an elite law school, who's going to make $160,000 as a starting salary in the private sector. what's her great demand? why was she the big star? demanding that ordinary americans, average income $50,000, pay her contraceptives. that's a personification of the idea of entitlement, of victimization. that's the entire idea of ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you. this is exactly what romney's talking about. >> i think president obama has created an entitlement environment.
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the feeling is you've got it, i need it, i want it, i'm taking it, and i am entitled to it because i need it. i think, if i may express the opinion, i think that's the prevailing financial culture of the day. it's a culture of entitlement. very common in our society today. wasn't so common just a few short years ago. megyn: the thought, though, that we hear from the president is we're all in this together, and if we need to spend a little more, if we need to get a little bit more money to help out the people who are struggling or help out the country in general, why shouldn't we take it from the people who are rich as opposed to those who are struggling? >> two points. if you take it from the rich, you raise taxes on the rich, does that really go to helping the poor? do you take it off one, and does that really help the rest? in my opinion, no. if you raise taxes on the so-called rich, you actually slow the economy. you get less growth, so you've got a smaller pie to reshape. that is romney's argument. what we need is to grow the pie,
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not take bits and pieces from one group and hand it out to another, but to grow the overall pie. you have growth in our economy, and you've got a long way towards solving -- not nd our jobs but a solution to problem. megyn: you know who you sound like now? >> go ahead. [laughter] megyn: your former leader, margaret thatcher. >> a wonderful woman. megyn: a lot of people have been looking back at ronald reagan seeing how he got us out of our economic troubles in the 1980s and looking at margaret that mucher and what she did to rein in government spending as opposed to taxing people to blif onand try to get people all of the dole. we have a clip from her in 1983. watch this. >> the state has no source of money other than the money people earn themselves. if this state wishes to spend more, it can do so only by borrowing your savings or by taxing you more, and it's no
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good thinking that someone else will pay. that someone else is you. there is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money. [applause] >> the problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money. she inherited an entitlement mentality when she became prime minister in 1979. she turned it around, she grew the economy and created prosperity and reversed the entitlement victim mentality. megyn: uh-huh. but there is that thinking by some, i'm not saying all in this country, that it is sort of the government money that they want and that they deserve to help them out of troubled times, and there is no such ting as government money. >> that's what margaret thatcher was saying, there's no such thing as public money, there's only private money that you've taken off them and given to somebody else. some people think that is legitimate, that's the redistribution that president obama's introduced. free market people think, no,
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that's not the way to go. grow the economy with free market capitalism. it's a very stark choice in this election. megyn: we're going to talk more about that at 2:30 because just as mitt romney was caught on tape the other day, president obama was caught on a tape that's just now surfaced from 13 years ago, but he's talking about how he believes in redistribution, and we'll talk about how that's been a theme from him over not just the past 13 years, but more recently as well. stuart, thank you. well, some tragic news about a man who may be familiar to our fox news viewers. new details on sheriff larry dever's life as an outspoken labor guardian and the accident that just took his life at the age of 60. plus, new warnings of a daimpt level of a toxic chemical in rice and why one top pediatrician is really warning parents to be very careful when it comes to rice and your children. that's ahead. [ male announcer ] this is rudy.
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megyn: we are tracking an alarming new report about dangerous levels of arsenic in rice. consumer reports magazine warning now that this type of arsenic is linked to bladder and lung cancer among other problems, and even brown rice -- which is supposed to be healthy because, well, for other reasons -- but they said that's actually even worse on the arsenic scale. trace gallagher watching this from our west coast bureau. trace? is. >> reporter: and for the context, megyn, we should note that arsenic is naturally occurring in the earth, the worry is we're using arsenic-laced fertilizer, in other words, it's fed to chickens and turkeys and pigs, the manure is then used to fertilize rice. consumer reports tested brown rice, rice pasta, white rice, baby cereal, and the conclusion is that it contains, and i'm
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quoting here: worrisome levels of arsenic. you eat it once a day, and the levels go up up to 44%. eat it twice a day, your levels could go up by 70%. it's interesting because as you noted, brown rice -- which is supposed to be healthier -- has higher arsenic levels than white rice, but look at this. white rice grown in arkansas, missouri, texas and louisiana have higher levels of arsenic than those grown in other areas. nestle issued an unsolis fitted statement saying it only buys white rice from california, but still consumer reports says baby white rice ceil y'all should be -- cereal should be limited. the fda says early studies are consistent with consumer reports but that more studies need to be done and new guidelines would then be issued. and this you're looking at right here comes from the u.s. rice federation. they don't dispute the numbers, but they're saying the results are overblown and that there is no documented evidence of actual
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adverse health effects. and the reason, by the way, that rice has more arsenic than other grains is because rice is grown in water and, of course, water contains arsenic. megyn? megyn: well, this pediatrician at new york's mount sinai school of medicine apparently spoke with cbs news and said outright he recommends in the coming months and years parents avoid rice altogether or just rice grown in those areas, texas, louisiana and missouri, saying stay with california or asian rice. the smart thing to do is be concerned and not do it, just avoid the rice which is, you know, that gives you a lot of pause. i mean, i can speak as a mother of a 3-year-old and 17-month-old, we give our daughter rice cereal all the time. kids eat rice, and you hate to hear that this product's been on the market, we've been feeding it to our kids full of arsenic. >> reporter: but we could have put another five or six doctors
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on the other side in this story as well saying, look, we don't know enough about this, and arsenic is naturally occurring, and these levels are still very, very, very low. megyn: good to know. trace, thank you. >> reporter: okay. megyn: well, breaking news on our top story in just three minutes about the new information surrounding a potential ulterior motive behind the attack on the u.s. embassy in egypt and reports that the u.s. has been approached about releasing one of the main guys responsible for the 1993 world trade center attacks. was the blind sheikh and his release from prison what was really behind this cairo protest, and what did our government agree to, not agree to or even get asked in the first place? we've got an update. plus, a troubling case of campaigning in the classroom. how a college professor nearly forced students to pledge their vote for president obama. >> i asked her, i'm like, why is
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it necessary that i sign this? and he just, she told me, because i passed it out. and i was, like, oh, my gosh.
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megyn: fox news alert, new details surrounding reports of what may be a troubling ulterior motive behind the attack on our embassy in egypt last week. as we told you at the top of the hour, u.s. intel suggesting the attack in cairo last week may have been part of an effort to prothe imprisonment of the
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accused mastermind of the 1993 world trade center bombing. fox news has now obtained a letter from top republicans to the attorney general, eric holder, and secretary of state, hillary clinton, raising concerns over the potential release of sheikh omar abdel ramen. the state department commented on this moments ago, listen to how they parsed the language. >> let me say as clearly as i can, there is no plan to release the blind sheikh. there is no plan. to my knowledge, we have not been approached about it recently by any senior egyptians. megyn: no senior egyptians. we asked trace gallagher to do some digging on the status of the so-called blind sheikh and how he now finds himself front and center in what we are seeing. trace is back with us now. trace? >> reporter: and you'll recall that the sheikh was convicted along with nine others of the 1993 bombing of the world trade centers, that bombing killed six
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and injured more than a thousand. he was also convicted in plots to blow up five other new york landmarks, including the united nations, federal building, bridges as well as tunnels, now serving life in prison at a federal penitentiary in north carolina. he was born in egypt in 1938. he once headed a group when is now affiliated with al-qaeda. he was imprisoned in egypt because he opposed to regime and was convicted of plotting the assassination of then-egyptian president anwar sadat. he came to the u.s., became very outspoken as a muslim. he preached at mosques in new york city. he called for a fatwa, telling followers to rob banks in new york and kill jews. the blind sheikh lost his eyesight as a child as a result of diabetes. his imprisonment became a rallying point for islamist militants around the world including one usama bin laden and, apparently, in 2012 that
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still remains to be true. megyn? megyn: thank you, trace. and i want to tell our viewers he also came to national prominence once again wawns president morsi took over in egypt. remember, the muslim brotherhood wasn't going to run for the presidency, and they did. and in his acceptance speech, he made it a cause celebre once again to get the blind sheikh released, and all the folks in the muslim brotherhood loved that. now we see this and find out about this report that we supposedly received before 9/11 talking about how they were planning on going after our embassy in response to the continued imprisonment of this guy. her ridge is on the story, she's going to break some news on this in about 20 minutes right here. lots of news in the world of politics to bring to you today. new questions about the obama campaign's latest attack ad that targets governor romney. in it the campaign uses this secret video that you've been
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seeing over the past couple of days of governor romney speaking to supporters in the may and accuses governor romney of resorting to class warfare in this race, arguing: you're not really a president if you try to divide the electorate. watch. >> i'm not looking for a handout. >> i don't think anybody's ever looking for a handout, i think that we all want chances and opportunities. >> if you try to separate by demographics, separate by classes, you know, you're not really a president. megyn: joining me now to discuss it, monica crowley, radio talk show host and fox news contributor, and sam bennett, president and ceo of women's campaign fund and the she should run foundation. according to the latest obama ad, monica, if you try to separate by demographics, by classes, you're not really a president. >> so they're trying to argue now that dividing americans by class, race, age and gender should be a disqualifier, then
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barack obama should not be running for president. this man is a master of projection, megyn. they are so good at accusing their opponents of what they themselveses are doing. all this president has done from day one is divide us into those groups, pit us against each other so he could ram his policies through, and he's been very effective doing that. monica,a minute, you just right? i don't care what you're running for. when i ran for u.s. congress in 2008, my job -- megyn: you were devisive? [laughter] >> no, but it's to find who my base is and grab as many be of the undecideds as i can. so both romney and obama have been defining who their base is and trying to grab some other folks. they both, that's the job of politics, monica. >> no, there's a difference between politics and the way this man has governed. we're separating out -- megyn: wait, wait. that -- can't you concede that
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point? that may be what you do in politics. that may, in fact -- >> but the point is president obama has this ad out that, you know, the a little holier than thou on this, no? >> mitt romney's -- elizabeth warren had a very similar toe stub that her opponent's been grabbing -- megyn: toe stub? [laughter] that's a new one to me. >> hey, it's the facebook age, the youtube age. you can't expect that you're going to be in any room and say anything you want without someone using it. we consult our women candidates, right? our job is to get far more women running, republican and democrat. we say be careful because anything you say can and will be used against you. hey, this is the wild, wild west of politics. >> again, this is not just a campaign approach. we're talking about this group or that group and how we attract them. we're talking about how this president has governed for nearly four years -- >> oh, i don't buy that. >> well, the majority of the american people believe he's
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engaged in class warfare -- >> no. megyn: hold on a second. >> in terms of talking about millionaires and billionaires, in terms of taxing the rich and demonizing the rich, in terms of supporting -- >> i'm sorry, monica -- >> let me make one more point, sam. the problem for this president is when you go back to 2004, his first national speech and then in 2008 when he ran his campaign, he positioned himself as somebody who would bring us all together -- megyn: a different kind of candidate. >> not a red or blue america, the united states -- megyn: i'm going to let you respond, but you mentioned the youtube age and the age of video, and that works both ways. >> it does. megyn: we have some clips of president obama. he's the one coming out saying if you try to separate by demographics or classes, you're not really a president. watch this. >> i did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of, you know, fat cat bankers on wall street. >> romney wants to let -- he said in the first 100 days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules.
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unchain wall street. they're going to put y'all back in chains. >> if latinos sit out the election instead of saying we're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then i think it's going to be harder, and that's why i think it's so important that people focus on voting on november 2nd. >> now, listen, we're fighting for the most powerful office, the most powerful country in the world, right? so they're taking the gloves off, they're fighting, they're making their hay where they can. in truth, monica, it was the wall street movement that really started this direction, and obama -- just as the republicans sort of took the tea party movement and said, oh, yeah, we'll take that -- obama said, oh, look at that wall street thing going on, maybe i can take a piece of that action. megyn: but is this hypocrisy here? >> no.
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megyn: can you say, this is divisive -- >> this is an election, come on. you know what? i know this is my soap box, and i apologize, but in truth -- research shows this -- if we had far more women running -- megyn: this is the answer to every question, in life as general. >> well, you won't get argument from me on that. [laughter] this is how the left views america, they always tend to slice and dice us by race or ethnic group or age or gender, and that's how this president has governed, it's not just how he's running his race, and it's a very serious problem for him because it goes against everything he sells himself as and the obama brand from 2004 on. >> i can't agree. um, listen, i went from being a moderate republican to being a liberal republican to being a conservative democrat to being a liberal democrat all in the span of my 34 years of being a voter, right? [laughter] >> come on! >> the truth of the matter is that no -- everybody slices and dices, that's how politics work. megyn: all right, i gotta go.
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slicing and dicing the segment, because i've got to move on. got another guest coming up. great job, as always. >> thanks. megyn: after people suggested an internet video was to blame for the mideast violence -- well, not just people, the administration told us expressly -- the man behind the message, the guy who had some role in this video, was paraded from his home by a handful of law enforcement agents with cameras rolling. i mean, this was actually a probation violation. take a look at the perp walk they did to this guy for a probation violation? why? that's right after the break. and a welcome home for a true american hero. the extraordinary story of love and support for a navy specialist who almost died after stepping on an ied. watch this. [cheers and applause] you've heard me talk
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outside of the american consulate in catchy, pakistan -- karachi, pakistan. rioters burning flags and effigies while demanding that the u.s. apologize for the controversial anti-islamic film posted on youtube. there's a real question about whether this was a film at all or just some lame trailer. all this comes as egypt issues arrest warrants for seven people believed to be behind the film to put them on trial in absentia, that includes the man believed to be the film maker, nakullah. police marched him out of his home this weekend to, quote, interview him about a probation violation, but is it really standard police procedure to send half dozen federal officers for a possible probation violation, and why did they do this? david horowitz is an author and civil rights activist. david, you tell me, he was convicted of bank fraud, he may have violated his probation by being on the internet, so you
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send half a dozen agents in the middle of the night to drag him out? >> this is one of the most disgraceful moments in the history of the american democracy. if you don't have the right to express your opinion however hateful it may be, you don't have any rights. americans cannot defend all the other rights they have if they don't have free speech. and for the united states government to arrest this man in this context and make him somehow responsible for these shameful behaviors. if muslims are rioting against a film, shame on them! the white house should be defending this film maker and his right to express himself. and, of course, this is all just a pretext because that trailer's been up on the internet since july. it's not about a film.
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this is not about a film. this is about the blind sheikh, this is about the rise of islamic extremism in egypt and all these countries. an american ambassador has been raped and tortured and murdered, and the white house is focusing or the justice department is focusing on a film maker. and you have to ask yourself, isn't it not the fact that the chief adviser on muslim affairs for hillary clinton, for our secretary of state, is a muslim brotherhood operative? and the obama administration has turned over egypt to the muslim brotherhood which is a pats si organization. megyn: well, just a couple -- i mean, there are questions about whether that's true or not with respect to hillary clinton -- >> well, it is true. megyn: okay, that's fine. that's your position, i know, i understand -- >> she's a muslim brotherhood operative -- >> anthony weiner's wife,
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correct? i don't want to get sidetracked. >> israel -- megyn: listen, i apologize for interrupting you because we have a short time, and i want to stay on topic, and by the way, the guy was dragged away for this probation violation -- >> yeah, in front of the cameras. megyn: some folks may say, look, why not make a demonstration to the muslim world to show even though we stand for free speech, we don't like speech that they find so offensive in the other countries. >> that is ridiculous. we shouldn't apologize for anything. free speech is free speech. if you start apologizing for it, you already are undermining it which hillary clinton has done at the u.n., by the way. the muslim brotherhood has a global campaign to outlaw and criminalize free speech. there was a photo on the internet of a woman pushing a 3-year-old in a stroller, and the 3-year-old -- these are muslims -- was holding up a sign
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saying "behead those who insult islam." behead those who insult islam. this is an evil doctrine, and it has to be fought. and i'm just appalled by the failure of leadership in this country to stand up when you're faced with islamic nazis, you have to denounce them, and you can do it diplomatically if you like, but you don't apologize, and you don't go around arresting film makers in the middle of this crisis. megyn: or dragging them away in the middle of the night. now we are told he and his family are in hiding and that they will never return to that house again now that it's been, you know, was shown on tv and across the world. >> oh, yeah -- megyn: i've got to run. i want to say that these charges out of egypt are largely symbolic because of all the folks charged live abroad, but in egypt they could be facing the death penalty. >> they'll be killed. megyn: david, thank you for being here. >> thank you, megyn. megyn: how a college professor
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nearly forced students to pledge their vote for president obama. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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megyn: a florida college professor now on leave and under investigation after she reportedly told her students to vote for president obama and democratic candidates, quote: up and down the ticket. in a possible violation of the school's harassment policy as well as state law. trace gallagher has more. trace? >> not to mention this political controversy, megyn, happened in an algebra class. the teacher in question is sharon sweet, and she's been teaching at brevard community college now for about five years. she's accused of asking her students to sign a pledge, handing them a bookmark, and it
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said, and i'm quoting: i pledge to vote for president obama and democrats up and down the ticket. the pledge was taken off the web site gotta vote which is an official web site of the obama/biden campaign. here's a student who would not appear on camera because he feared backlash. listen. >> oh, my gosh, i gotta pledge to vote for him? this is ridiculous. i asked her, you know, why is it necessary that i sign this? and she told me, because i passed it out. and i was, like, oh, my gosh. she told us to put a party affiliation on the bottom of it, which i was extremely uncomfortable with. i didn't even know that was legal. >> reporter: he's right, it's not legal. florida law says lawmakers cannot use their position to influence another person's vote, and school policy says, and i'm quoting here: no college employee shall solicit support for a political candidate during regular college work hours or on college property. the teacher is now on unpaid leave, the school is investigating whether she might
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have done this before in years past, and this, by the way, was on her door. because they tried to contact her, she says: no comment, and by the way, get off my property, or you'll have to deal with the law. unclear if she'll be reinstated once the investigation continues. megyn: in algebra class, no less. i'm sure that's exactly what the parents bargained for when they paid college tuition for the children. thank you, trace. >> reporter: sure. megyn: can you believe the news today? sent me your thoughts on twitter, @megyn kelly. never new polls out today -- several new polls out today saying president obama's campaign is taking off, but the fine print suggests that's not exactly what is happening here. we will take a fair and balanced look after the break. and protesters who tore down the u.s. embassy's american flag were there to protest the imprisonment of the man behind the original world trade center bombing and not to denounce a
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low-budget, anti-islam film as the administration has told us. the breaking details and a live report right after this break. [ kimi ] atti d i had always called oregon home. until i got a job in the big apple. becoming a fulltime indoor cat wasn't easy for atti. but he had purina cat chow indoor. he absolutely loved it. and i knew he was getting everything he needed to stay healthy indoors. and after a couple of weeks, i knew we were finally home! [ female announcer ] purina cat chow indoor. and for a delicious way to help maintain a healthy weight, try new purina cat chow healthy weight. hey, bro. or engaging. conversations help us learn and grow. at wells fargo, we believe you can never underestimate the power of a conversation. it's this exchange of ideas that helps you move ahead with confidence. so when the conversation turns to your financial goals...
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megyn: fox news alert. fox news obtaining intelligence document suggesting the onslaught was an effort to protest the imprisonment of the man behind the 1993 world trade center bombing. senior republican lawmakers are warning the obama administration that even discussing the release of this terrorist is a no-go. brand-new hour of "america live." welcome, i'm megyn kelly. according to the document from homeland security, the call to action was posted on the internet two days before the attack in cairo it called on egyptians to burn the embassy down if they had to to demand
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the release of omar abdel-rahman. he's serving life in prison for the bombing of the world trade center. six people were killed and a thousand were injured in that bombing. catherine herridge is live from washington with more. >> reporter: eight senior republican lawmaker sending this letter to the just i department and state department. we are responding to reports that omar abdel-rahman convicted in the first world trade center attack in 1993 may be transferred to egyptian authorities for humanitarian reasons. the.
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a justice department spokesman said the idea of transferring the blind sheikh is absurd. >> let me say as clearly as i can. there is no plan to release the blind sheikh. to my knowledge we have not been approached about it recently by any senior egyptians. >> reporter: fox news obtained an intelligence report. the department had information that there was a call for egyptians to attack the embassy to force americans to release the blind sheikh. let your slogan be no to the american embassy in egypt until our detained sheikh is released. sources tell fox news they believe the protests were in part from the movie and also this push to get the transfer of the blind sheikh.
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megyn: breaking washington. the inspector general's report on operation fast and furious just being released. moment ago we got word that a top doj official just resigned as a result of the report. jason weinstein is resigning. we are told that the report concludes that he is the most senior justice department official who was in a position to stop this operation. which is a botched gun running sting run by the atf out of phoenix but with the department of justice cooperation. they had to get wiretaps through the doj. and several people wound up dead in mexico, not to mention an american border patrol agent on news soil. they were originally hoping to track these weapons to mexican cartel leaders, instead the guns
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vanished. two of them were found where border patrol agent brian terry was shot and killed. the inspector general of the doj who has been investigating this for over a year has come out with a report and a top justice department official has resigned. william lajeunesse live from our los angeles bureau. he has been at the forefront from the beginning on this. what do we know? >> reporter: the attorney general said he would only fire or discipline people after the report has been released. jason weinstein is out. let's go to this full screen of what we believe the report is saying. it does place primary blame on the field safety and the i.s. attorney's office in arizona for bad strategy. but it appears to exonerate
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attorney general eric holder that he was not informed of operation fast & furious. that he knew about the tactics involved. that he did not know about gun walking prior to the public finding it out and the chief of staff who is now his chief of staff as well as the acting deputy attorney general, despite receiving a detailed briefing on operation fast & furious. despite the number of guns going down to mexico. the term gun walking was never used and therefore he could not be blamed for know being this stuff beforehand. now, so we have seen jason weinstein being disciplined. we are led to believe in the next 48 hours there may be actions taken against those atf officials in phoenix who had primary responsibility about this. number two. we believe there are several points that i think are
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important. number one, the ig speaks in code. the language is not always explicit. you need to read this carefully world for word. you will not see a page that says these guys screwed up and here is how they should be penalized. pay attention to two other points. that's who signed off on this. many conservatives believed the administration hoped to use this to justify stronger gun control laws. democrats say that temperature not true. how explicit was phoenix when it told washington higher ups what they were doing. they say we told our bosses everything. we gave them weekly reports. they knew guns were going down to mexico. if we are to blame, so are the guys in front of is. the buyers didn't have cash or jobs and they were coming in with bundles of money to spend money on assault weapons. i believe the report also says that it was wrong of the atf to
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use the gun dealers like they did to encourage them to sell these guns, that that was not necessarily illegal. it's unethical. there is 500 pages almost. we have a lot more coming out tomorrow. megyn: this has just been released so we are just going through it. 500 pages. other news organization are going through it as well. we are just getting on the wires. a couple of headlines and forgive me if you touched on these because folks were in my ear. with respect to eric holder. no evidence that eric holder knew of the flaws. it appears the report would at least to this extent exonerate eric holder. and then talks about lanny breuer who you have on your full screen. this guy runs the criminal division of the department of justice and has been to some extent tied to the operation
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fast & furious investigation. we are hearing he has been referred for possible disciplinary action. can you comment on either of those two developments? >> reporter: i can tell you that before this report came out, the spin had already started. we were getting excerpts that supported someone's contention that we are innocent here. a lot of things you are seeing already in the press are a result of someone giving them information because you can't turn it around that fast. megyn: can you speak to lanny breuer? >> reporter: i can tell you what we have been led to believe, lanny breuer according to the report is that lanny breuer did not know about gun walking prior to the public being told about it. i will tell you, i just got this released from chairman darrell issa, he says the ig report confirms findings by congress
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that there was total disregard for public safety and contrary to the denials of the attorney general and his defenders in congress that it was approved by senior justice officials that there were no red flags. megyn: thank you, william. this again we are going through the report. literally i'm look on my blackberry at this moment. that is significant. it's the head of the department of justice is being referred for possible disciplinary action. that's significant because the department of justice is thought to downplay lanny breuer's connection to operation fast & furious. yet his name comes up repeatedly in this report. i haven't read the report. i'm going by what i hear in my ear. eric holder is said to not have
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known of the flaws that came in association with this program. lanny breuer, assistant attorney general in charge of the criminal division, and apparently the report according to our sister network one case wall street journal that he acknowledged he should have done more to assure the tactics weren't used again. we are told weinstein is resigning. we'll try to get to the bottom of this. we haven't been through the holt report so we want to get what you we have and we'll get back to that story momentarily once we have this stuff confirmed. we are getting new video of anti-american protests exploding in the muslim world. hundreds of students in pakistan burning american flags. and issuing a warning what they say will happen in 10 days. and we have more on the
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developments into the cairo embassy attack suggesting it was all about this man. the 1993 world trade center bomb. top republicans now publicly expressing concerns about a possible release of this terrorist from an american prison quote for humanitarian and health reasons? we'll talk about the state department's denial and how they chose to word it when lieutenant colonel ralph peters joins us right after the break. stay with us. oh no, not a migraine now. try this... bayer? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula.
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wthe future of our medicare andr electiosocial security. for... man 1: i want facts. straight talk. tell me your plan... and what it means for me. woman 2: i'm tired of the negative ads and political spin. that won't help me decide. man 2: i earned my medicare and social security. and i deserve some answers. anncr: where do the candidates stand on issues that... affe seniors today and in the future? find out with the aarp voters' guide at
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megyn: new questions about the president's vision for america from a 14-year-old recording of president obama. saying he believes in the redistribution of wealth. >> the trick is how to structure government systems that pool
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resources and facilitate some redistribution, because i actually believe in redistribution at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody has got a shot. megyn: that was record in 1998. one would make the argument that those are the words of an inexperienced young man. but in 2008, with joe the plummer he said basically the same thing. >> i don't want to punish your success by want to make sure everybody behind you has a chance at success. right now everybody is so pinched that business is bad for everybody. when you spread the wealth around it's good for every one. megyn: in 2010, the president touched on the redistribution of wealth. >> we are not trying to if you are financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. i do think at a certain point
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you have made enough money. megyn: joining me now to discuss it, leslie marshall and chris plante, radio host of the chris plante show. it's 1998, chris, does anybody care? >> sure, it's part of a pattern it's a pattern of behavior that goes back decades in was an interview in 2001 on the chicago public radio where he talked about the supreme court not being the right mechanism for the redistribution of wealth. every argument the president has made from the time he began running for president has been about essentially redistribution of wealth. how unfair our country is and people don't get a fair shake. he demonized the wall street bangers, the fat cats. the silver spoon classes. redistribution of wealth are corner stones of this
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presidency. megyn: it isn't just one random comment. it confirms in explicit terms something many have believed about this philosophy for a long time. that he does believe in taking from one group and redistributing it to another. >> i don't disagree some people feel that way. by i think this shows a couple things. one, that he is consistent. he is consistent with what he has said since 1998 to the present, and what he means by that is what he has been saying all along which is fairness. he was speaking specifically about the city government, more effective government. as opposed to robbing from the rich to give to the middle class and the poor. it would seem our buddies on the right want to do the opposite. having said that, i think this is very, very clear that mitt romney and the gop are frightened. the poll numbers show they have a reason to be today with the
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president across the board and in swing states so they are desperate and they are like let's reach for something from 1998. that's how i'm viewing it. megyn: leslie says the president has been concerned about fairness. the question is fairness to whom. >> it's clear he thinks we live in a terrible and unfair country where people don't pay their fair share and people don't get a fair shake. all evidence to the contrary. the president has been consistent in his call for redistribution of wealth. if you want to hang your hat on that, please go ahead and do so. he's talking about fairness in the context of class warfare for political reasons and ideological reasons. he's a statist. he believes in government intervention to allegedly level the playing field. this country has been more fair to more people than any country in the history of the world. what these guys are trying has been attempted again and again
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and again and has never produced better result than the system we have been living with as leslie said somewhat dismissively for some period of time. we advocate a free market system because we believe it gives the most people an opportunity for success. not meade october arsuccess suc. the president and this 99% versus the 1% thing. that is a classic demonstration of -- it's purely political of course, of trying to take from one group and identifying 99% of us as victims. megyn: the remarks in 1998 he talked about in the context of i believe in redistribution. he talked about in terms he talks about today. make sure everyone has a shot, leave nobody behind. we are all in this thing together. that is what has some people concerned. that's the same language he uses
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on the campaign trail now minus the i actually believe in redistribution. >> again, for me personally and for many democrats and frankly many votessers. redistribution comes down to semantics. is it fair or is it redistribution. when we look at an example of a college student or somebody who wants to go to college and wanting to take out a loan. is that look for a government handingouter to an opportunity. when we look at bush tax cuts. is that the middle class or the poor helping the middle class have more to stimulate the economy? is that redistribution of wealth? i think we get down to semantics with this. i don't think the president is saying anything different. in 1998 he was talking about a more effective city government and his position at the time as a state legislator in the state of illinois then. megyn: this week has been the
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battle of the dueling caught on tape moment, first mitt romney, now barack obama, and it's not likely to end anytime soon. >> missed you in ireland. megyn: long story, we'll tell you later. we have new developments from the middle east. we showed you our embassy in islamabad, pakistan under attack. now we are getting troubling information about the security situation at our consulate in libya. before the attack that killed four americans including our ambassador.
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megyn: a package bomb explodes at a kosher grocery store in a paris suburb. no word on the motive but the attack comes as france gets ready to shut embassies and schools around the world amid fears of a backlash over a series of ericsear -- a series s of the prophet mohammad. protests began on 9/11 with protests in cairo and benghazi, libya. new concerns about a deadly disease spreading at one of our largest national parks. the outbreak of the hantavirus has infected 9 people, three of them have died.
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>> reporter: this is not the firsthan --this is not the firss outbreak here. but officials say the number of reported cases could rise. that's putting pressure on scientists to find a cure for this rare but deadly disease. yosemite national park is home to critters that carry potentially deadly diseases. now along with park maps, visitors are getting information about how to avoid the rodent-born illness while health officials look for clues in curry village where the mice were found living in the insulated walls. all but one of the cases originated in tent cabins.
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but why some people got sick and others didn't remains a mystery. >> the cases have been different cabins, different families. >> 23,000 campers may have been he can posed to the virus. epidemiologists want to know if the virus first identified in 1993 has mutated. >> to understand how it has evolved and the mechanisms by which viruses such as hantavirus can jump from animals to humans. >> reporter: live at yosemite there is evidence that the deer mice population in the park is growing. that could explain the outbreak. park attendance is down but there are still a lot of visitors here. most of them tell us they appreciate the park's education outreach efforts and say they
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feel safe camping, hiking and taking the sights. megyn: new concern this september 11 violence in cairo was not sparked entirely by anger over an anti-muslim film but by the world trade center bombing nearly 20 years ago and efforts to get the united states to release the man behind the bombings. the blind sheikh who is now serving a life sentence in the united states in connection with that deadly attack, could we possibly be talking to them about actually releasing this guy on quote humanitarian grounds? we'll tell you what the officials are saying. and a tragic update on a familiar face to viewers at the fox news channel as we learn details on the accident that killed sheriff larry chiefer. he was severely wounded on the
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battlefield. but when he returned home a double amputee he not only found his girlfriend waiting for him. but his entire community. [welcome home]. it doesn't get any better than endless shrimp at red lobster. you can mix and match all day!
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megyn: back to the breaking news on our top story concerning the
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anti-american protests overseas. fox news obtaining a department of homeland security report warning a statement published on the web calling for the attacks on the embassy in cairo over the imprisonment of this man. omar abdel-rahman, the blind sheikh. now some top republicans are raising concerns about a possible deal to release this guy from prison on humanitarian and health grounds. joining me now, ralph peters a fox news strategic analyst. republicans are raising these concerns about a possible release. the state department says there is no such deal and no quote senior egyptian officials have requested his release. what does it tell you?
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>> they also said there have been no talks recently about it. megyn. how much hard evidence is it going to take for this administration to realize that appeasement does not work? i have no doubt there were talks. whether the administration was going to release his mass murderer we don't know that. but this should have been a slam dunk no we are not talking about it done. but these -- this administration lives in a fantasy world where if you just keep appeasing radical muslims and keep ceding to their demands and repressing freedom of speech in the west, that somehow everything will be fine. megyn: but does it seem plausible to you that barack obama in an election year would be negotiating the release of a terrorist and not just any terrorist, but a terrorist convicted of bombing the world
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trade center? >> no, it does not seem plausible obama himself would be doing it. about it seems plausible element in the state department would be talking about it. and certainly in an election year the president would be cautious. if obama is reelected i suspect we'll see a lot of thing we don't like. at this point he won't release the blind sheikh because it's become a scandal. the way they would have don't is just do it and send the guy to egypt as a fait accompli. megyn: we are learning more about what preceded the death of around ambassador and three other patriots. a top intelligence official declared this a terror operation. we heard pundits and politicians suggest this earlier. now a top administration official is saying it was terror and there are questions about the protection that was or was
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not around our ambassador when he was assassinated. >> any person with military experience could tell you this was not a spontaneous riot that killed our ambassador based on that video. though the video is a useful propaganda tool for the islamists. it was planned. the establishment media jumped all over romney shooting from the hip about it was the white house that panicked, they said things they didn't flow what they were talking about and some were patently untrue and nobody has called them. what troubles me are the repeated reports that our state department had rules of engagement for libya approved by secretary clinton that said no ammunition. that tells me two things. if that is true then secretary clinton signed ambassador stevens death warrants. and it's one more instance of
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the state department's rabid dislike for our military. in libya it appears that the department of state, our diplomats placed more faith in libyan militias than they did in the united states marine corps. the guards weren't there. the marines weren't there. they should have been. but state doesn't want them. i experienced this when the soviet union came apart. the ambassadors of newly independent states refused to have defense attache's in their embassy. stevens did not demand the security he was entitled to. he was too confident of his popularity with the libyan people. and he paid with his life. megyn: it's being reported by one online source that says he was friends with sean smith, one of the victims that sean knew he
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was in danger prior to the attack. he sent out on this online chat that they had the following text. saying assume we don't die tonight, we saw one of our quote police that guard the compound taking pictures, then he went on to write and an expletive and then the word gunfire. and so it does appear for some time prior to the attack they knew they were in potential danger and indeed they were. >> this is a tragic situation that did not have to happen. it isn't a scandal or coverup. it's scandals plural, coverups plural. no security, no u.s. marines, no ammunition or weapons. warning that were ignored. lies that it was a spontaneous demonstration with it's a planned affair. blaming it on the anti-mohammad
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video when there was clearly a detailed plot. you go to egypt and it's about omar abdel-rahman. it's incredible to me the white house is painting itself into a deep deep hole with lie after lie as is the state department. i have got to give a shoutout to catherine herridge for fox who is reporting on this. the investigative reporting on the blind sheikh and all these related matters has been incredibly good. she has gotten lot of pushback from the administration but she has been a true heroine on this. megyn: she reported today that our community was warned september 9, two days prior to the cairo attacks that there was this plan to go to the embassy and protest over the blind sheikh and to burn it down. two days prior to the day it happened. yet we have the administration telling us it what is all about
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this video. all about this video. ralph, i have got to run. we have a developing story from arizona involving a major player in arizona's immigration law. an outspoken border agent has died. and today we got some tragic news about how sheriff dever died. >> reporter: it was a one-car crash in arizona. but this is, you are right, a big blow to arizona. he has bent sheriff in cochise county since 1976. cochise county shares 83 miles of border with mexico. it has been a hot bed of drug smuggling.
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that arizona law. an was outspoken against the government for failing to secure the border and for losing track of weapons in the operation fast & furious scandal. here is cool eeg sheriff paul babeau. >> he's not just a long-time sheriff of cochise county with he's a friend and a leader among sheriffs. it's a loss not just for cochise county, arizona and our whole country, because he was a patriot and national leader on border security issues. >> reporter: it was sheriff dever's office that investigated the shooting of a rancher shot on his own property by allegedly an illegal immigrant. we have just gone the a response from arizona governor jan brewer who says in the truest sense
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sheriff dever was a western lawman and hero. megyn: the inspector general appears to blame the atf and the don't of justice for this operation. eric holder declares victory. that's next.
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host for you are pinch hitting for us on this because we are just getting the report. and you have been following this quite closely at town hall and have reaction. i want to give the viewers some of the headlines. this is the guy inside the doj who is supposed to investigate this, cleared free of bias. he's supposed to take a fresh look at everything and tell was happened. he says atf and the u.s. attorney' office run by the doj share equal responsibility for the failures in operation fast and furious and operation wide receiver which was gun in 2006 under the bush administration and allowed guns to walk under different circumstances. there we had the cooperation of the mexican government and in operation fast & furious we did not. it says these operations were seriously flawed and supervised irresponsibly by the atf and u.s. attorney's office. no one responsible in either of
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those offices raised any serious questions or concern about these tactics. and went through in great detail the total disregard for public safety that was shown here. eric holder has come out and said that the report confirms the inappropriate strategy and tactics were field driven and date back to 2006. the leadership of the department didn't know about it and the leadership did not attempt to cover up informationer to mislead conscious. he mentioned ken nell on the former director of atf has retired. he mentions the resignation of weinstein. he says it is too bad that so many made baseless remarks before they had the facts. >> i want to urge caution. this is a 500-page report that
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we just received within the last 45 minutes or so. i think you will probably hear a very different story from chairman issa who has come out with some statement. but as people start to dig into the report we might get a better sense of what went on here. let's remember there is also a report from congress, from the house oversight committee which seems to implicate the higher ups in the justice department a little bit more. so i think you will see some people understandably sceptical of an internal investigation vindicating the attorney general who is crowing about it. but i think it's too early to cast aspersions. it looks like mr. weinstein and melson will be held accountable for this horrible program that claimed hundreds of lives, including at least one border
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patrol agent's life as well. of course, eric holder wants to say he's just fine and this internal report clears him of any wrongdoing. but there are questions that have to be asked here like -- megyn: eric holder runs the department of justice and is responsible for these people. he is ultimately their boss. and we have -- we are told potentially hundreds of people dead in mexico. in addition to brian terry, a border patrol agent here. this report talks about how the department of justice lawyers who were supposed to review the wiretap likses that atf sought to put this whole operation in process didn't review them anywhere near closely enough. had they done their jobs they would have seen this was inappropriate and these folks were up to something that was illegal and dangerous. and the inspector general concludes they didn't do their job. the doj officials did not do their job. and now the question -- there
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are 14doj officials -- eric holder will now review what's going to happen to them. do these people need to lose their jobs, can we expect that there will be discipline for the attorneys who get paid, who selected the salary to review these applications and the inspector general says they didt from this northern general. it's telling that here we have a huge scandal with there is terribly ill conceived track that resulted in so much bloodshed and the first reaction to the attorney general to the release of the report is to say i'm in the clear and by the way we are sad to say these two people are leaving us and they are wonderful professionals and we love them. but unfortunately they are leaving. this is a very political reaction from a justice department that has been extraordinarily political. i want to point out here that this is a continuing pattern within this administration. the buck always stops somewhere
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else. it's never the president, it's never the attorney general, it's never the principal. let's not forget that attorney general holder gave testimony that he had not heard about the fast and furious program at a certain point and there were memos that he knew earlier. whoa. right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. now in two new flavors. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout.
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megyn: the warriors tasked with keeping america safe often sacrifice life and limb. when one wounded war year returned home as a quadruple amputee he found not only his loving girlfriend but an entire town waiting for him in the hopes they could return the favor. >> reporter: there are stories
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that move people and this among them. it's a story that's replete with love and honor and pride and it involves a 23-year-old military man who in may, taylor morris was leading a team of special forces in the kandahar forces in afghanistan. he stepped on an ied. he lost both of his arms, both of his legs and was still able to warn his cam rads to stay away. months later his progress is according to doctors remarkable. for that he credits his girl friend danielle kelly, not only did she stand by him. she helped him with his rehab and when he needed it, she would carry him up and down steps if he needed that. he got the bronze star of valor and he paid tribute to danielle. he says if i had hands i would put this bronze star on
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danielle. look as the homecoming he got in cedar falls, iowa. [cheers and applause] see the american flags? can you see thousands of people lined the streets in cedar falls. this story touched such a never with his hometown and people around iowa they started donating money to help his cause. $250,000. enough for him to buy his dream log cabin on a lake in iowa so he hopes some day he can live there forever with his girlfriend who he hopes will soon be his wife danielle. it's a remarkable story. megyn: trace, thank you so much. what a love story and what a true american hero. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] research suggests the health of our cells plays a key role
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